
This year was another great year for Naturopathic Medicine Week in BC!

Events across British Columbia

We had a variety of events during Naturopathic Medicine Week 2016 – from movie nights to Intravenous Nutrient Therapy days, open houses to patient appreciation events. Many clinics ran specials on services for all or part of the week in celebration. Thanks to the naturopathic doctors and clinics who participated across BC in Vancouver, Surrey, South Surrey, Nanaimo, North Vancouver, Campbell River, Squamish, and Victoria. Several of the events that required pre-registration were booked up well in advance! So wonderful to see communities across British Columbia so engaged!


Daily Contests

Our Daily Contests were more popular than ever! Our daily prizes were $75 credits toward the BC Naturopathic service provider of your choice, with grand prizes of two $150 gift baskets from Finlandia Pharmacy and two gift baskets from Ferlow Botanicals, valued at over $100 each.

Congratulations to the grand prize winners: Ferlow Botanicals baskets went to Tiffany A and Marcelle M, and Leanne S and Jessica H won the gifts from Finlandia Pharmacy. Thanks to everyone who participated! If you missed out and want to watch the videos made by BC NDs for the contest, click here.

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We’ll see you again next year!

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